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Watch: Park View v Benfleet

Watch: Park View v Benfleet

Benfleet Webmaster26 Nov 2021 - 10:00
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Did he mean that?

After a surprise defeat to Park View earlier in the season, can we continue our push for the play-offs with an away win? Join Nick and Jamie for the trip to the New River Sports Centre.

Welcome to Benfleet FC's non-league football channel. As we target the play-off places in our 100th season of football and only our second ever year in the non-league pyramid we're covering all of our games this season as well as key talking points from across the Thurlow Nunn league.

It really helps the Club when people watch and subscribe to our channel – which you can find on the link below. We also really like everybody around the Club to know how our first team are doing in their push for promotion to the Essex Senior League.

Watch: Park View v Benfleet

Benfleet YouTube Channel

It's a great standard of football with new manager Rob Polkinghorn having got off to a great start to his reign as first team manager.

Please take a couple of minutes to watch the video, share it as much as you can and subscribe to the channel in the link above.

Further reading